Court Information

Court Details
Court's NameDistrict of Wyoming
Release NameNextGen CM/ECF Release 1.7.1 (Revision 1.7.1)
ECF Go Live DateJuly 4, 2002
Maximum PDF File Size80 MB
Maximum Merge Document Size150 MB
Threshold for Large Docket Sheet Warning (Entries)Not Set
Case Number FormatO:YY-TY-#####-INI example: 2:24-cv-00143-ABJ
RSS Feed
Docket entries of type: all
Last 24 hours' entries - Internet

Court Locations
Court's Name District of Wyoming
Court's Address 2120 Capitol Avenue, Room 2131, Cheyenne, WY 82001
Court's Phone Number 307-433-2120
Court's Email Address
Court's Hours 8:00-12:00 and 1:00-5:00
Court's Name District of Wyoming - Casper Division
Court's Address 111 South Wolcott, Room 121, Casper, WY 82601
Court's Phone Number 307-232-2620
Court's Email Address
Court's Hours 8:00-12:00 and 1:00-5:00

Court Offices
LYellowstone National Park

Pacer Details
Pacer's AddressPACER Service Center, P.O. Box 780549, San Antonio, TX 78278-0549
Pacer's Phone Number(800) 676-6856 or (210) 301-6440 if residing in the San Antonio area
Pacer's Email

Flag Definitions
2255Case is a motion to vacate
603bMotion for Compassionate Release Pursuant to 603(b) of the First Step Act of 2018
DISCSTAYDiscovery Stayed
A782Amendment 782 - USSC
AMD821Motion for Sentence Reduction pursuant to Amendment 821
APPEALCase has been appealed
ARBSTAYCase stayed pending binding arbitration
BENCHBench Trial
BKAPPEALBankrupty Appeal
BKYSTAYStay of Case Pending Bankruptcy
CA/JACasper/Jackson Trial
CASPTrial is scheduled for Casper
CH/CATrial is set for Cheyenne or Casper
CH/COTrial is set for Cheyenne or Colorado
CH/EVTrial is set for Cheyenne or Evanston
CH/JATrial is set for Cheyenne or Jackson
CHEYTrial is set for Cheyenne
CLOSEDCase Closed
CONMAGConsent to proceed before a Magistrate has been filed
CONSDSMember case in a consolidation through discovery
CONSPTMember case in a consolidation through pretrial
CONSTRMember case in a consolidation through trial
CSSTAYCase has been stayed
DELAYDelayed Notice of Search Warrant entered
E-CASECase is Electronic Filing Case
ENHANCENotice Seeking Enhanced Penalties has been filed
ENOTICEPro se party receives electronic notification
EVALMental Health Evaluation
FREMONT JURYFremont Jury called in for trial
FRIVPrisoner case is found to be frivolous
FTEARPrisoner case failed to exhaust administrative remedies
FTESRFailure to exhaust state remedies
FTSCPrisoner case failed to state a claim
HSDHighly Sensitive Document
INTPRInterpreter needed
JA/CHTrial is set for Jackson or Cheyenne
JACKTrial is scheduled for Jackson
JFAJustice For All Act
LANDTrial scheduled for Lander
LEADDSLead Case in a consolidation through discovery
LEADPTLead Case in a consolidation through pre-trial
LEADTRLead case in a consolidation through trial
MALPrisoner case is found to be malicious
MAN2ISSMandate to Issue (Appeal)
MERITPrisoner case failed to show merit
MISDAClass A Misdemeanor
MISDBClass B Misdemeanor
OTHERPrisoner case
PASSPORTDefendant ordered to surrender passport
PRISPrisoner Case
PROSEPro Se Party In Case
PROTOProtective order has been filed
PTDPretrial Diversion
PTYSTAYCase stayed as to a particular party
PUBLDAn order in the case has been published
R/RReport & recommendation has been filed
REFERCase has been referred to a Magistrate Judge
REMANDCase has been remanded out or back to us
REOPENCase has been re-opened
SCOTUSWrit of Certiorari Granted
SEALEDCase Sealed Temporarily
SEALPERMCase sealed permanently
SHERTrial set for Sheridan
SINDSuperseding Indictment
SUPBONDSupersedeas Bond Entered
TERMEDCase Terminated
TRANSFCase transferred to MDL panel or to another district
TREASFine referred to the Treasury collection program, Fed Debt - CVB cases
U/ADVCase has been taken under advisement
WARNING FILING RESTRICTIONS ORDEREDThere is a restriction for this case on file. Additional research is required before docketing
WIREWire Tap
YNPCOMSERVYellowstone National Park Community Service

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